Ask Nature

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Biomimicry: an introduction

Janine Benyus, who coined the term “biomimicry” back in 1997, believes that designers have a lot to learn from the natural world. A short video by 99% Invisible + Vox to introduce the concept.

The Promise of Biomimicry

A 20-minute film produced by Tree Media that will introduce biomimicry as a way of living for every day people and as a pathway for design inspired by nature.

The Biomimicry Toolbox

A digital resource site that provides a quick-start guide to biomimicry.

Designed to coach teams who participate in the Biomimicry Global Design Challenge , the Toolbox introduces the core concepts and methods that are essential to successfully incorporate insights from nature into design.


An app where you can record what you see in nature (contributing to science data repositories), meet other nature lovers, and learn about the natural world.